June, July, August 2010
Hi Everyone,
I write this as I sit at my desk in Tamale. It is 3:30 in the morning here which
means it is about 11:30 pm where most of you live. It is very hot and very still. We arrived in Tamale on Friday afternoon June18th with our team. The traveling went well and everyone seems to have arrived in good shape. We had a lot of cleaning to do to find a bed but things went on very well and we had great help.
We see many changes in being away for 6 months but we are so ready to see God work in us and through us here. The area we live in is having rapid growth. One thing that has not changed is the people and their friendliness and their need for the Gospel.
We have been back in Ghana 2 months and the time has flown! We have had some great help from Christy, Emily, Bill & Christopher, Louisville Christian Academy and the Jacksons. Amy is completing her Mission Internship with Fuller University. Now our dear friend Herb is with us.
Since returning, along with a lot of help, we have held a meeting with 165 Bible Club Leaders, held 18 zone rallies, one regional rally, and a Girl’s Mission Camp with 39 girls in attendance. ‘God in the Everyday” was our theme.
The girls focused on Psalm 139 for our adoration time. What a joy to realize that God has always known us and continues to know our every thought and deed!
Each afternoon we went to a village going house to house sharing God’s plan for eternal salvation for each of us. This is NOT a Christian village. We were told we were wasting our time and a few of the girls were threatened by a man that if we were not gone by the time he returned he would beat them. Still, the Lord blessed them with many who listened and said they would think about what they heard. As this is a big village, we finished our time there with two simultaneous crusades. There were several that attended that the girls had witnessed to. One man came afterward to say that he wants to hear more but he can’t really accept that Jesus is God. He says he and his family will come to the church to learn more. Pray he does.
-Bob & Bonnie
Bill G. writes: Just wanted to give a short testimony for your newsletter. As I preached at Faith Baptist Church on Fathers day, I realized how important the meaning of "practice what you preach". As I was talking about how imperative it is to spend time with your children, it suddenly came to mind just how essential that is. We, as parents, may not get to spend much time with our kids when they become teenagers, but when they are little, we need to make sure we are spending more than just 5 minutes a day with them. Because once that time is gone, we will never get it back. And this is true too with teaching Bible Clubs and Sunday schools. We need to be involved with the kids, so the world will not have a chance to get involved, and push them down the wrong path.
What a blessing it was, to be a part of teaching and preaching in Africa. I can't wait to bring the rest of my family to see the beauty on the other side of the world. May God continue to bless your ministry.
- Love you guys Bill
Christopher writes: When I was younger, I was home schooled by my mother, and it was during a time that my father was overseas ministering in India. I was given an assignment to draw a picture of what I wanted to be when I was older. The picture was of me with a Bible in one hand, a safari hat in the other, and I was preaching on top of a giraffe, in Africa. When I handed my mother the finished product, she looked at me and then said "You do know that our church only does mission work in India right?" Well little did she know that ten years later I would be preaching the Word of God in Africa, without the giraffe and the safari hat, but still preaching the Gospel. Jeremiah 29:11 says, “For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” My mother had no idea what was going to happen to me 10 years down the road, but God did. It's funny how our God works. My hope is that everyone can make the voyage to Ghana because I promise you that you will never be more blessed. I cannot tell you enough how God continued to bless me, but remember you don't have to go half way around the world to fulfill the Great Commission. It starts in your home, in your workplace, in your school where ever it is, God can always work through you.
- Christopher Glotzbach
Christy writes: I woke up at 6:15 on Saturday morning and couldn't go back to sleep, so I got up and made some coffee. I love my Christian radio station. Heard this on my way to work Friday. Every day they have a "word of the day" and the 1st one I hear is Isaiah 40:29 "He gives power to the weak and strength to the powerless". Where was this in the 1st village you asked me to speak to when we did hand massages? I don't know but I do believe that I was in Ghana for personal growth. He gave me Scripture aimed right at my heart. Maybe this scripture applies to physical weakness and powerlessness as well, hmm? I read all of Isaiah 40 this morning. I've read parts of it here and there but I actually listened and prayed and waited for an understanding so God blessed me with this. Verses 27-28. 27--"...my way is hidden from the LORD (covenant God); my cause is disregarded by my God". Sometimes we think He's too slow to answer or we try to hide something from Him. But 28 answers "...He will not grow tired or weary and His understanding no one can fathom". I already know this, but it’s always great to be reminded, especially when you allow time and circumstances to control your focus!! And when you realize again He is in control He blesses your socks off with verse 31. AMEN!!!!!!
- Love you guys.
Emily writes: Africa was a great experience for me and if possible I would recommend everyone to go. Working with the kids there is so fun. You see how much they work for everything they have. The people there are kind and care about everyone they see. Going to Africa puts life in perspective. Thanks for your unconditional love and prayer for this ministry. And may God bless you all.
Hannah P., Louisville Christian Academy writes: I also wanted to say thank you for all you and Bonnie have done for us! You all are incredible people and I admire your love for God and missions so much. Seed Ministry is amazing and I really hope I get the opportunity to come back next summer or some other time.