Bob’s Corner…
The rural villages continue to bless me. I visited in Dikpuni for the first time in quite a while. I knew the old Chief had died during that time. Imagine my surprise to see his son (the new Chief) come out carrying the Seed Ministry walking stick we had presented to his father. He said his father had passed it on to him along with the message that he also has given land for a church to be built.
God is so gracious to allow us to be here to ‘reap with joy’ what you have sown. Someone sponsored the Jesus Film to be shown in Sakpuli a few years ago. One church in KY brought a medical team and evangelism and another eyeglasses. Some folks help to support Pastor Daniel as he travels to minister there.
O:ne new church isdancing in praise because a church in Georgia had given Seed Ministry a set of drums last year that we have now presented them to the new believers as they learn how to worship!
The Seed Ministry Youth Mission Camp boys ministered there in April. Now, the team from Boyce Bible College continues, as Christ said in Matthew, “making disciples”!
Bonnie’s thoughts…
God always sends folks that just bless our socks off! That is certainly true of our recent teams that have come to minister with us. Josh, Hannah, Leanne, Meagan and Shane have come from Boyce Bible College to complete their Missions Internship and Mark, Larry and Ashley from Borden, IN were also here with us for a week. What a melding together God did in these two teams. You would have thought they had been meeting and planning together for their whole trip!
Of course for Joshua, it is also coming home for a visit and that is great. Pastor Mark and his dad Larry first came to Ghana in 2001. It was so good having them back again. The really cool thing about these young teams is the amount of ENERGY they have. The children listen so attentively to what they are being taught.The children also absolutely LOVE every twist, turn, hop, and shout that goes into the songs. I am fully expecting God to renew all that energy in me when we are spending eternity with Him!!!
Bible Clubs
We have launched our first Community Health Evangelism in Zagua. This concept was brought to us by Terry & Amy Ruff and is intended as a Wholistic Health ministry to the community. It seems this will be a natural extension of the Seed Ministry Bible Clubs.
Thomas and I had attended the training and we had begun to pray about which community we would be working with. Our thoughts were to go into a community that already had a Bible Club. Then Charles asked us to go to Zagua with him. There were no Christians in this village and he wanted us to do some evangelism there. That was in April with the South Fork team. We visited the church on Easter with the Ozments & Courtneys and the new believers were attending worship. That’s exciting!
We then went back last week and while the team was ministering to the children and doing some door to door evangelism, Charles took me to the home of these new believers. That was really exciting! As I shared and answered questions for the ladies, it became apparent that this should be the first CHE community.
One of the ladies kept saying she wanted me to talk to her Landlord and share with him so he would also be a Christian. I did not realize she was talking about her husband! But we did share with him and he did ask Christ to be His Savior! That is beyond exciting!
Charles called to say that he did not come to church on Sunday as it rained Saturday night and he was planting his corn but he is still planning to come this week!!! Pray For Him!