Seed Ministry
January 2010

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We are praying you are enjoying the New Year and God is blessing your ministries. Bonnie and I are visiting churches, families and friends, taking some classes and resting. We hope to see all of you while we stay in the US a few months.

Pastor Gabriel, his wife, daughter and another family member standing in front of his house. He is a lay pastor for a new church start at Sognarigu-KuKuo. God’s Way Church is getting a new Church Building as we Partner with New Song Church in Georgia to have a growing Fra-Fra ministry in Tamale. We are very thankful and blessed as we see these communities transformed with new Churches and Christian schools started in these remote villages.
Thanks to all the efforts of those that caught the vision of our farming project. We are now seeing those efforts being blessed. We have had a great time of Evangelism and a great food harvest. We have 5 active churches in 5 villages participating. We had about 50 families that we plowed 2 to 3 acres for them at no cost and they committed to give us a bag of whatever they sowed, rice or corn or groundnuts. We have had several Bible Studies and services with them. They had prayed for a great harvest and they are seeing God’s blessings. We have been given about 7 tons of rice and 11 tons of shelled corn. We are giving this out to Pastors and families that cannot feed themselves.
This has been a Win Win situation.    
The Seedling Academy is going great with 30 students. Thomas is the Headmaster and Ajua is helping him as he teaches the little ones about Jesus. Most of these come from non-Christian homes. But Jesus will impact their lives and their families.
Below-- Bro. Bob shares with some children from Adventure Church. We are never too young to learn about or too young to be on Mission.