These are my favorite kinds of days around Seed Ministry… The days when there is so much activity going on. The morning started out at 7am with a walk which was fun and I met some new people. Also got a blister on my heel and twisted my ankle :( But I’m ok.
That was followed by a baptism at 8am; you can’t go wrong with a day that begins with new believers following through their commitment with baptism. Praise the Lord!
Thomas is teaching 29 new Bible Club Leaders the Foundation Training which is the first training they receive. Most of these are to replace existing Leaders that have gone to school, etc., some are actually old clubs that have stopped in their communities and they now want to revive the club and some are from new places to us – someone has told them about the Bible Clubs and they want one in their community. What a joy!
Meanwhile, just outside the gate, John was leading the Seedling Class for I don’t know how many children and I was in the summer hut with those in Grade 4 thru Junior High. You have to love the honesty of this age group when, as we discussed sin in our lives, and when asked what kinds of sins they might commit and you get answers like 'stealing the meat or small fish from the stew while it is cooking'.
Peter and Thomas Alhassan have kept busy picking up mangoes that are falling like rain right now and the ladies cooked for the Club Leaders. Mmmm – Jolloff Rice and sweet, sweet mangoes. (Does mangoes have an e?) Thomas' youngest daughter Judith, when she wants to come over, now says she wants to go to the Mango House.
After taking time to hand out a bucket of Mangoes to the Seedlings children, Bob and Emmanuel have been to visit each of the three building sites and checking out the progression of work on the Church Buildings that are growing close to being completed. How amazing is it that God has provided 3 church buildings this year already!
We have lived here twelve years, yet still today, I am so completely overwhelmed with the ways that God works and still today, I sit here ‘sowing in tears’ as we so abundantly reap in joy.
Tell someone about Jesus today!