Hello everybody and thanks for your prayers.
Well we are back in Indiana after being in Tamale 2 ½ months, which is a record for us having the shortest stay in 12 years. This last month I contacted Malaria again and it knocked me for a loop and drained all my energy. I am already doing better again but after praying and consulting with family and friends, we have decided to come back and get some tests, medical checkups, some rest and just take it easy for a while.
We have had a lot of ministry opportunities and a lot of visitors to help with the work. The Hope team leaves Ghana today. They have done a wonderful job visiting Bible Clubs and they led three conferences for our Bible Club Leaders that was most appreciated by the Club Leaders.
Our Seed Ministry staff is such a blessing and God always helps them step up a notch to take care of visitors and do what ever it takes to get God’s word out. The Bible Clubs and Churches continue to grow and the communities are doing well. God is giving us open doors in many places. Emanuel, Thomas and John will handle the ministry in Ghana well. We are still able to talk with them often and receive updates daily.
Our not being there will not affect you that are planning or have already planned a trip to Ghana. The staff will be ready and your places to minister will be ready to receive you. We just will not have the joy of being with you. Thanks and God bless. Bob & Bonnie