Greetings from all the Seed Ministry Staff young and old alike. Thanks so much for your Prayers and Gifts it is exciting to know we are all in his Kingdom Work together. As you read this I hope you feel a part of the work here  in Ghana.

(Picture appeared here in print newsletter.  To receive the regular newsletter, contact the missionaries at their email) There are over 160 Seed Ministry Bible Clubs in the villages in and around Tamale, Ghana. They teach the children every week about Christ.

Seed Ministry visits about 12 clubs per week. But there are some unsung heroes that help us. Each zone covers many miles. The Zone Leaders communicate with Seed Ministry any problems or needs that the clubs are having. These Leaders can visit the clubs under their zone much more than we can. So it is a way for us to keep in touch with all the villages.   

(Picture appeared here in print newsletter.  To receive the regular newsletter, contact the missionaries at their email) New believers profess their faith as they are baptized.

This is so profound when you think of where we are located.   "I believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as my Savior. I believe that He died for my sins. I will serve Him no matter what the cost!"

What a testimony of faith! Some were young and some were very old.   One by one getting into the water and proclaiming what God has done for them...amazing.

(Picture appeared here in print newsletter.  To receive the regular newsletter, contact the missionaries at their email) Pastor James and his family at Galenshegu are doing well. He has moved in and started the work which involves Hut to Hut evangelism, preaching in 3 villages and farming. This year he is planting groundnuts and corn. We were able to get him a bicycle to visit the surrounding communities.


We drove far to a village where a new church is just getting started. We traveled past a pond expecting to see the usual large crowds of people washing clothes, bathing or gathering water; but because of the rain no one was there. Instead we counted more than twenty crocodiles lazily swimming in the water!



When we arrived at the village, the people were gathered. The excited children were jumping and clapping when they saw us driving up. After services, Bob presented a church leader with a Mega-Voice. This man was so excited when Bob turned it on and out came Bible truths in his own language! This church leader plans on sharing the God's Story and will be able to use it as a tool to share about Christ.